博克斯LaunchBox celebrates fifth anniversary in GoggleWorks Center for the Arts

LaunchBox staff solders a chip for an entrepreneur's prototype.

LaunchBox Makerspace Coordinator Jim Hong, 左, helps an entrepreneur build a prototype for their small business in fall 2023.

Credit: Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. -自成立以来,博克斯LaunchBox对博克斯县社区产生了重大影响. Over the last five years, 博克斯LaunchBox has assisted 582 entrepreneurs, taught new skills to 1,100 community members in its Makerspace, offered 创业 classes to 3,800 community members, 受到了影响,042 students (elementary school through college). 

博克斯LaunchBox被公认为企业家和创新者的宝贵资源,可以帮助他们发展创业公司和发展新技能. 今年, 博克斯LaunchBox正在庆祝其从宾夕法尼亚州立健康街(Penn State Health St .)扩张五周年. Joseph 's Downtown 阅读校区到阅读市中心的GoggleWorks艺术中心. The expansion has greatly enhanced its space and capabilities.

“The 博克斯LaunchBox has been an invaluable resource for our startup KissUX, as well as our existing digital design company, 我们是仙人掌俱乐部,维拉·亨佩尔说, co-founder of KissUX and 我们是仙人掌俱乐部. “As a co-working space, 博克斯LaunchBox一直是我们团队集思广益和与潜在投资者举行会议的好地方——对我们来说是免费的. 可以肯定地说,如果没有LaunchBox及其所有团队成员的支持,我们就不会有今天的成就. The LaunchBox team is genuinely passionate about helping startups succeed.”

吻用户体验 一家正在开发基于云的工具来简化应用程序概念与设计人员和开发人员之间的沟通的初创公司.

An innovation hub of the Invent Penn State initiative, 博克斯LaunchBox was created through a seed grant in 2016. 它的使命是帮助处于早期阶段的企业家和初创公司获得他们在Greater 阅读创业和成长所需的工具和资源. 

“The 博克斯LaunchBox has been a vital partner in the growth and success of my business,” said Talonda Rogers, 第四孕期产妇倡导者帮助扩大教育和赋权(MAHMEE)的所有者. “咨询, 所提供的指导和资源在帮助我实现目标方面发挥了重要作用. I am grateful for the assistance and support I have received from them.”

Every year, the impact of the 博克斯LaunchBox grows. 仅在2023年, 博克斯LaunchBox已经帮助了202名企业家(42%来自代表性不足的群体), taught new skills to 479 community members in its Makerspace, offered 创业 classes to 500 community members, and impacted 362 students, elementary school through college, with free classes and activities. 除了, 16 entrepreneurs were awarded Creative Entrepreneurs Accelerator Grants, 在LaunchBox团队的帮助下,14位企业家和组织获得了开发原型的帮助.

“将博克斯LaunchBox扩展到GoggleWorks艺术中心,使我们能够以一种可访问和创新的方式更直接地与社区成员互动. 这种伙伴关系对我们的发展和实现我们支持企业家的使命发挥了重要作用,同时继续保持低准入门槛,” stated Erica Kunkel, 伯克发射箱主任,十大正规赌博平台大全伯克学院继续教育主任. “我们很自豪能成为我们社区中杰出企业家旅程的一部分.”

Free classes, 在线研讨会, workshops, and equipment training in Makerspace 

博克斯LaunchBox每月为企业家和小企业主举办免费的商业发展研讨会, social media marketing, 法律问题, intellectual property, 节演讲, minimum viable products, brainstorming and validating business ideas, 客户发现, and ways a business can pivot to address customer issues. 除了, LaunchBox offers free courses in basic CAD (computer-aided design) and 3D printing, 此外,还通过研讨会培训使用现有设备和相关软件,参与者可以创建激光雕刻杯垫等物品, wooden lanterns and more.


博克斯LaunchBox offers a rent-free space, 允许联合办公公司与其他企业家和导师会面和合作. 联合办公的公司 benefit from 24/7 access to office space for one year, meeting and event space, 高速互联网, 法律支持, community connections and LaunchBox advisers. Startups also receive assistance with prototyping and marketing, free monthly seminars, and support from staff. 

Advisers Support Success

除了 to the 博克斯LaunchBox staff, 创业者可以从超过25位顾问的知识和专业知识中受益,他们每个月花5个小时来支持LaunchBox创业者的成功. 顾问以多种方式提供支持,从会计原则和软件指导到原型协助.

Youth and community outreach

LaunchBox的工作人员相信,培养年轻人的创业心态有助于培养未来的企业家. The LaunchBox participates in Remake Learning Days, 这是一个创新的学习节,在世界各地的各种环境中,为所有年龄段的孩子设计了数千个动手和参与的活动.  

博克斯LaunchBox also holds events, partners with area schools, 并为个人和有孩子的家庭提供开放的实验室之夜,让他们设计和创造3d打印和激光切割雪花等物品, custom-engraved coasters, 房子的迹象, 贺卡, 更重要的是,所有这些都是为了引进这些技术,激发创造力和创新. 

Outreach to the Latino and Hispanic community

In 2024, 博克斯LaunchBox正在扩大其西班牙语项目,包括更多的创业教育研讨会, 在线研讨会, networking opportunities and Makerspace events. 工作人员正在努力争取资金,以增加对企业家的“创业成长”资助. 另外, 成功的联合办公公司在从博克斯的LaunchBox服务中毕业,并过渡到新创业公司的顾问和导师之后,将进入一个新创建的“创始人”地位.

最后, with the addition of two Makerspace coordinators, 目前正在计划增加创客空间课程,重点是用英语和西班牙语提供动手体验.

The mission of 博克斯LaunchBox, located in Suite 105 of the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts in downtown 阅读, is to support economic development and 创业. 

伯克的启动箱得到了发明十大正规赌博平台大全的支持,这是一项旨在刺激经济发展的全国性倡议, job creation and student career success. For more information, visit berkslaunchbox.事业单位.edu or contact Erica Kunkel at 610-396-6221 or via email at (电子邮件保护)